“Stained Glass”

This collection of work was a way to explore the style of stained glass through the medium of pyrography.

Each piece holds its own meaning, with the exception of a few that were just for fun.


“Heart in Hand” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

Heart in Hand is all about caring at the cost of making yourself vulnerable.

I speak out and talk a lot about the issues I see in the world, and sometimes feel like I am the only one who actually cares. Who sees this is not how we are meant to live in this world.

I often feel like this world was not meant for me at all and wonder why I am here. And then I meet someone or receive a message from someone who says they feel the same way and it makes this world not meant for us a bit less lonely. And while others may not want to see it because they are comfortable and numb, I know more and more of us are starting to feel this way and maybe someday a change will come.


“The Sword” $350

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography, acrylic and metal leafing on wood

Available for purchase.

For inquiries, please email directly.


“The Drosera” $350

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

Politicians with their webs of lies

The 1% selling us shit like flies

Taking away our rights, stinging over and over again

Eat the rich with me, won’t you my friend?

Available for purchase.

For inquiries, please email directly.


“The Dionaea” $350

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

Politicians with their webs of lies

The 1% selling us shit like flies

Taking away our rights, stinging over and over again

Eat the rich with me, won’t you my friend?

Available for purchase.

For inquiries, please email directly.


“Nepenthes” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

Politicians with their webs of lies

The 1% selling us shit like flies

Taking away our rights, stinging over and over again

Eat the rich with me, won’t you my friend?


“Scarab” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

The scarab represents birth, life, death, and resurrection. As we go through this cycle it’s hard to understand why humanity chooses to keep hurting each other. To live in the world and understand this is not what we are meant for is painful for mind, body and soul.

In Buddhism the blue lotus means the victory of spirit over the senses, and the triumph is wisdom over suffering. So while we go through this cycle we need to understand that it takes changing ourselves first, to then change the world.


“As Above, So Below” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

It is like yin and yang. Balance, but also consequences to actions. Scientists were just able to capture what quantum entanglement looks like and it looks like yin and yang.

The way quantum entanglement was explained to me is if you find a sock and you put it in your right foot, the other sock no matter where it is, then becomes the left sock. So that’s how we observe the world with our limited knowledge. I believe our very limited knowledge is why we can’t see how to love one another.

That’s why they are banning books. Because the smarter we get, the more we realize they are purposely trying to get us to hate each other and make us dumb because that’s the only way to control us.

As above so below is the balance that I have very limited understanding of life and the universe, but I acknowledge that there is much more to it.


“Seraphim” $444

2023: 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

The flowers are the garden of Eden. You see the heads of Adam and Eve as skulls because to have knowledge and be awake is a fate like death. It has been hard to see the world as it truly is and explain to people you are being exploited from all sides.

Religion and politics are meant to divide us because when we come together, we become one. When we become one, we fight back and they don’t want that.

Available for purchase.

For inquiries, please email directly.


“Thrones” SOLD

2023: 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

I believe we are actually all “god” or “source.” We are capable of both creation and destruction. The Thrones angels according to the Bible, reside where material matter starts to take form.

Wisterias mean new beginnings and new chapters much like a snake shedding its skin. So Thrones was a depiction of where we all come from. Remembering we are all stardust and created the same, and the wisterias are upside down because we’ve forgotten we all come from the same place. We are all from one source, therefore we are source. We need to remember this to be closer to ourselves and each other. To find the love within ourselves so we can love each other.


“Cicada” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

Cicadas hold a special place for me growing up in the south. They are something I find soothing in both their song and symbolism. While butterflies are usually the symbol of transformation, they go through a complete metamorphosis. Cicadas on the other hand don’t go through a pupal state. They start as one viable form and go to another. We as humans don’t have the luxury of hiding from the world for a season in a protective cocoon and emerging new. Our transformation happens everyday in the decisions we make and what we choose to stand for. The pink lotus flower is associated with rebirth, beauty, growth, divine knowledge, spiritual enlightenment and understanding. These are things that can grow within us during our transformation and should be our main goal on this earth. The skull represents the death of what the world wants us to be and say. How we should continue to be slaves to the system. Fighting back against the status quo is how we change for the better.


“Yellow Rose” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

Yellow roses have now been known to mean friendship, but before that they meant betrayal. Living most of my life in Texas, I have seen both sides. The friendly southern nature but only if you fit in and conform. And the betrayal of our rights to bodily autonomy, love, education and so much more.

So the idea that the roses can be portrayed as meaning two very different things seems very fitting for the current political climate.

The bull in this is the reminder to stay grounded and steadfast in fighting for what’s right. And again the serpent represents a new beginning on the horizon. A better way to live and love.


“The Bat” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

The original piece was actually a present for a friend who has very similar “gifts” as me. Both the bat and the purple iris are meant to represent intuition. The purple iris also is meant to represent wisdom, strength and courage. It is those things that will help guide us to trust our intuition especially in the hardest times where we can’t see where to go next.

While the bat can have several meanings depending on the culture, I look at how it uses echolocation to see in dark places. Our intuition can very much act as our own echolocation and guidance in dark places. To trust your gut and your instinct to provide for you.


“Mantis” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

The way a praying mantis hunts is very interesting to watch. It is very patient when hunting. It is in this calm it is able to attack. The calm and focus helps it reach its goal. The ribs in this piece also represent calm. The need to breathe before you strike. Yes, there is a time for anger and tears and frustration and the horrors in this world and in our current political climate, but there is a place for calm to properly focus on what needs to be done to reach a goal.

There are two different flowers in this piece. The white trillium has a few meanings but the one that resonates with me for this piece is recovery. Rest and calm are forms of recovery and in the world we live in, is a form of resistance. The dark red carnations in this piece represent the passion that comes after the calm. Passion can come out in anger and tears, but the balance of calm and passion are needed.


“The Birb” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

Another one with a funny name but a deeper meaning. Black crows symbolize transformation, change and freedom. In my own journey to know myself and how I fit in, I see crows a lot in my dreams. They can also mean prophesy and insight, so seeing them in my dreams is not lost on me. There are changes coming, and I believe we are all being prepared for them. Just like in the piece “Snek Boi” the violets in Indigenous cultures mean clarity within self. For a change to come you need to have a clarity within yourself of who you currently are and what you currently stand for. And will you be able to accept the changes coming, or will you be stubborn and stay stuck in the status quo?


“Snek Boi” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood

While I gave this one a funny name, the symbolism is something I hold dear. Snakes represent new beginnings. The need to shed old ways of thinking and being so you can grow. As new ideas present themselves, are you willing to both learn and unlearn? This can mean just in general, but on a personal note, it’s how I’ve viewed my identity in this world.

Learning and unlearning and understanding my gender fluidity and the knowledge that I am always shedding and growing and evolving. The violets in Indigenous cultures mean clarity within self which is something we all seek. I also find it fitting that it is used within the LGBTQIA community.


“The Three” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood


“Guardians” SOLD

2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood


“The Moth” SOLD


2023: 12” x 14” pyrography and acrylic on wood


Series 7 "Enough"


Series 5 "Body"